Wednesday, February 14, 2007

estórias de Maynooth 2


"Location: Maynooth - Maynooth College, Rhetoric House
Type: Haunting Manifestation
Date / Time: Unknown

Comentários adicionais: Após dois estudantes terem cometido suicídio no quarto 2 do edifício e um terceiro ter pulado da janela acreditando ter visto um espírito diabólico, um padre foi chamado para passar lá a noite. Na manhã seguinte o padre recusou falar do que tinha visto e o seu cabelo tinha-se tornado branco.“

"Maynooth College is a seminary set near Dublin, Ireland, is has been around since 1795 in some form or another. Where it was built once stood a Middle Ages castle, and god knows what before that. Therefore, as with almost all European ghosts, just because the ghost is haunting the building doesn't mean that it's from that building's time period.
If this account seems as if it is something out of a legend, then you wouldn't be surprised to know that it is. Albeit one that has at least some grounding in fact - mysterious suicides are on record in connection with Room No. 2 of the Rhetoric House (located in the Junior Houses), and at least one psychic has picked up strange vibrations in the room.
The tale, which seems to begin with a suicide in the room around 1842, the subject being a student who was compelled to take his own life for some reason or another (accounts are not too careful about such details). The next tenant in the room was next found dead one morning, having slit his throat with a razor - the same method of death used by the tenant before him. The third tenant reported being irresistibly urged to follow suit, and saw strange black scurrying shapes in the room when nobody - or thing - could be there. one night when he was about to use the razor himself, the student leaped out the window into Rhetoric Yard. He broke several bones but the fall saved his life.
After this, the tale goes on, a priest spent the night in the room and was so terrified by whatever he saw - he refused to speak about it - that his hair turned bright white. After that several walls in the room had been removed and the building was turned into an oratory.
Regardless of what may have occurred in the room in reality, there are several documents still extant which point to some very real occurrences that happened in No. 2 sometime between 1842 and 1848. At the very least, there is a document dated October 23, 1860 which authorized the refurbishment of room 2 to an oratory for St. Joseph.
Hans Holzer, the great paranormal researcher, personally visited Maynooth in the company of a psychic and recorded impressions of a four-legged creature which felt fear and the desire to run - as well as a strong presence around the statue, where the window once was."


Anonymous said...

É sempre bom lermos umas histórias em Inglês. Principalmente se não se sabe falar/escrever/entender o Inglês.

winkle said...

juro k estou a pensar fazer uma tradução como fiz com o outro mas ainda n tive tempo...mas se calhar tb eh bom aprendr um bocadinho de ingles ou experimenta sites de tradução :P

Mirth said...

Eu entendo essas pessoas, tudo começou com a chegada da Kroky.. assustou muita gente, Dublin nunca mais será a mesma! :D

winkle said...

looooooooooool isto pasou-se no seculo 19!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!